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Get out and Vote: Scotland MEND regional hustings

Get out and Vote: Scotland MEND regional hustings

Categories: Past Event Articles

Wednesday April 14 2021

In Scotland, we are gearing up for the Holyrood 2021 elections which will take place on 6th May 2021. In preparation for these elections MEND Scotland is in full swing in our GOAV (Get Out and Vote) campaign.

As part of GOAV we have been meeting with election candidates from all major Scottish political parties as well as meeting with party policy teams and running hustings.

Parties that have been represented at the events are:

Scottish Green Party

Scottish National Party

Scottish Conservative Party

Scottish Labour Party

Scottish Liberal Democrats

So far, we have held 6 regional hustings in partnership with Muslim and equality organisations across Scotland. These have included:

  • 24th March 2021 – with Edinburgh Central Mosque. View @ScottishMuslimMedia

So full blog here MEND Hustings with Edinburgh Central Mosque – Muslim Engagement and Development.

  • 25th March 2021 – with AMINA Muslim women’s resource centre. View   @amina.mwrc.1

See the full blog here  GOAV Scotland Hustings with AMINA Muslim Women’s        Resource Centre – Muslim Engagement and Development (mend.)

  • 30th March 2021 – with Stirling Mosque and Central Scotland Regional Equality Centre. View @ScottishMuslimMedia
  • 31st March 2021 – with Ahl Al-Bait Society Scotland. View at Ahl Al Bait Society Scotland FB
  • 7th April 2021 – with Edinburgh Blackhall Mosque. View @ScottishMuslimMedia
  • 8th April 2021 – with Al-Masaar Forth Valley View @AlMasaarForthValley

Hustings can be viewed on the relevant partner or associate organisation page.

At the hustings, we were joined by representatives from all major parties. Although a few technical glitches meant that, unfortunately, some representatives were not able to attend the events they were scheduled to speak at.

The hustings focused on Muslim community needs, issues and Scottish policy pledges, which can be viewed here. Overall the hustings were greatly received by all with thousands tuning in to hear what their local and list candidates had to say on the hot topics of the day.

Candidates answering questions on a range or topics including:

  1. What steps will you take to ensure that mosques receive adequate financing for security and that this funding is proportionate to the risk?
  2. If elected, will you commit to supporting academic freedoms and initiatives to decolonise education whilst including an emphasis on shared histories and the contributions of minority communities in building our society as a compulsory component within the curriculum for excellence?
  3. Will you commit to engaging with grassroots Muslim organisations on the issues that directly and indirectly impact the Muslim communities including but not limited to projects that aim to challenge Islamophobia? What steps will you take to implement this?
  4. If you were to win, would you commit to a thorough investigation into the socio-economic impact of Covid-19 on minority communities?

We are grateful to all the partner organisation who have supported and worked so hard to make all events exceptionally successful.

We are also very grateful to all political parties for their support and input in all our endeavours in our GOAV campaign thus far.

Stay tuned for further events and updates.


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