MEND Hustings with Edinburgh Central Mosque
Categories: Past Event Articles
Thursday March 25 2021
The 2021 Scottish Parliament Holyrood election will be held on 6 May. At the elections, 129 members of the Scottish Parliament will be elected in what is the sixth election since the parliament was re-established in 1999.
In preparation for the elections hustings, election season across Scotland is well underway and MEND is definitely playing their part. With 7 hustings planned with a range of partners including our first hustings which took place on 24th March 2021 in partnership with Edinburgh Central Mosque (ECM).
The event had representatives from all major Scottish political parties and was hosted by MEND Edinburgh Working Group Chair Umar Malik. The panel consisted of:
- Scottish Conservative Party – Stephen Kerr,
- Scottish Green Party – Chas Booth,
- Scottish National Party – Angus Robertson,
- Scottish Liberal Democrats – Bruce Wilson,
- Scottish Labour Party- Maddy Kirkman
In opening statements, political candidates had an opportunity to state the case for their party and why those attending the event should vote for them in the upcoming elections. This was followed by questions set by MEND and ECM which were posed around the MEND’s Scottish Policy Pledges which you can read more about on our website, This was followed by questions from the audience for all candidates, these questions highlighted the definition of Islamophobia and Prevent. Candidates then presented closing statements and, the first of many hustings, came to an end with over 2.1k engagements, 1k views and 33 shares across social media.
Stay tuned to our website for full details on upcoming events.
The full event can be viewed at