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Election News

General Election 2019 – How will you decide?

By enhancing Muslim engagement in the General Elections and raising awareness and expectations about policy issues that impact on British Muslims. Our manifesto has been developed to encourage British Muslim participation in the 2019 General Elections. We have produced this election league table...

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What Matters to Muslims in an Election?

With a general election less than a month away, British Muslims need to make sure that their voices are heard. The potential of the Muslim vote is significant, with geographical concentrations of Muslim populations in specific areas providing their votes an enhanced ability to influence various...

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Why it’s important to join your local political party

With various political parties facing accusations of racial and religious impropriety, and of being detached from the lived experiences of the UK’s minority communities, the importance of a diverse party membership cannot be stressed enough. It is important that the UK’s religious and...

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Voter ID and Minority Disenfranchisement

The Government’s recent proposals to introduce ID requirements at polling stations, has led to fears that the scheme will lead to voter suppression and disproportionately disenfranchise already marginalised minority groups. Under the “electoral integrity” bill proposals, as stated in...

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A Looming General Election & Dog-Whistle Islamophobia

As the potential of a general election becomes exponentially more viable with every passing day, possible candidates are mobilising their teams, testing their PR strategies, and raising their public image an effort to seem ‘vote-able’. Inevitably, this occasionally includes unsavoury political...

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Islamophobia Causes & Cures Presentation at Regents Park Mosque

Mosques across the UK are not only just places of worship and spirituality but are also a hub for social interaction for Muslims from all walks of life. For this reason mosques are incredibly important institutions in conveying the vision of MEND, which is to encourage British Muslims to be...

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