London imam uses Christmas opportunity to spread positive messages about Islam
Categories: Election News, Latest News
Thursday December 21 2017
Sky News reports on the story of a London imam who has sent thousands of people cards at Christmas explaining the significance of Jesus (Eesa in Arabic) to Muslims.
Dr Mohammed Fahim has sent cards all around the world over the past ten years, including to MPs, the Pope and Queen in order to highlight Jesus’s role as a prophet in Islam. The cards feature scenes of Jerusalem and contain verses from the Qur’an about Jesus’s miracles and his mother Mary, including the virgin birth.
Dr Fahim, from the Qur’ani Murkuz Trust in South Woodford, explained, “Almost 10 years ago I decided to design a set of special Christmas cards talking about Mary and Jesus from the Qur’an. I print about 4,000 cards every year.”
Dr Fahim said that members of the Royal Family, churches, neighbours and EU leaders were amongst those who received his cards. “I am pleasantly surprised and honoured that Her Majesty the Queen, the Prime Minister and the Pope respond to my card every year.”
The Imam hopes to dispel misconceptions about Islam and encourage British Muslims to use Christmas and Easter to spread the positive values of Islam.
Dr Fahim said, “Every year, British Muslims are missing two golden opportunities (Christmas and Easter) to propagate the message of Islam, a message of peace, tolerance and justice. To show how they integrate into British society without losing their religion or watering it down.”