The reality of Islamophobia: Event at RENS
Categories: Past Event Articles
Friday December 01 2023
In a thought-provoking workshop hosted by RENS (Race Equality North Somerset), attendees delved into the issues surrounding Islamophobia in a quest for understanding, empathy, and change.
At the event held on the evening of 22nd November at The Other Place, participants were guided through an exploration of defining Islamophobia, unravelling its manifestations, and confronting alarming statistics on reported incidents. The workshop brought to light real and horrific instances of Islamophobia, fostering a profound awareness of the issue’s gravity.
As the event concluded, a powerful call resonated through the room—a call to unite in the face of discrimination. Attendees were urged to channel their newfound knowledge into collective action, emphasising the importance of working together to reduce Islamophobia. RENS, through events like these, continues to be a beacon of enlightenment, fostering a community committed to understanding, empathy, and positive change.