Masjid Isa Ibn Mariam presentation

Categories: Past Event Articles
Tuesday April 23 2019
Mend Birmingham held a presentation on challenging Islamophobia at one of Birmingham’s newest and most forward thinking Masajid. Masjid Isa Ibn Mariam is in a former Church building in one of Birmingham’s more plush suburbs.
At the presentation the local community was presented with statistics and real-life stories showing the extent of Islamophobia. There was particular discussion around the fact that Birmingham is the City where Uncle Mohammed Saleem, an 82 year old grandfather, from Smallheath was murdered by a right wing terrorist. The room was shocked to hear that Mohammed Saleem’s murderer, Lapshyn, also placed three bombs at mosques close to the City.
The whole gathering then discussed where this problem was originating. Towards the end there was a discussion on how islamophobia can be fought and the role of local Muslim communities and Mend in this effort.
The masjid community clearly understood the extent of the problem and showed interest in lobbying their local politicians to be more proactive in tackling Islamophobia.