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Workshop at Leeds Civic Hall for KIND EX

Workshop at Leeds Civic Hall for KIND EX

Categories: Past Event Articles

Tuesday November 15 2022

10th of October 2022 

On 10th of October 2022 MEND North was invited to the Civic Hall in Leeds to deliver a workshop on mental health and Islamophobia. The event was organised by KIND EX, where multiple speakers spoke on mental health from various organisations with different expertise.

MEND North Regional Manager discussed the effects of Islamophobia on children and adults alike, with a focus on intersectionality.

An attendee from the audience shared her daughter’s experiences and how Islamophobia affected her mental health at university due to institutional Islamophobia. She also shared her daughter’s experience on gaslighting from teachers and peers.

The attendees were surprised to learn about charities like the Islamophobia Response Unit that provide free legal support for victims.

The presentation ended with a very interesting Q&A, in which the importance of reporting was discussed and how victims can receive support.

Organisers and attendees of the event thanked MEND for the informative workshop.

Thank you to all involved in organising this event!


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