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Working together in a joined-up way

Working together in a joined-up way

Categories: Past Event Articles

Wednesday October 14 2020

Interfaith Scotland is a Scottish charity specialising in promoting and facilitating constructive engagement between differing faith and belief communities across Scotland through dialogue, educational activities, civic engagement and the promotion of religious equality.

Interfaith Scotland was established in Scotland over 20 years ago, throughout this time it has had a board made up of representatives from the major faith communities in Scotland.

Board members are put forward by interfaith Scotland members and voted on by the religious groups they represent. Office bearers are then voted on by board members.

Interfaith Scotland works hard to ensure that all religions are fully represented and that all are able to be represented as office members. Interfaith Scotland has previously had an interim Muslim chair, but as off 14th September 2020 a Muslim chair was voted on by the board as a whole to be chair for a full term.

But why is this relevant to MEND, because the new interfaith Scotland chair is Linsay Taylor, MEND’s Scotland Regional Manager.  This is a very positive step for the Scottish Muslim community and a positive step in tackling Islamophobia and religious discrimination as a whole in Scotland and UK wide.


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