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Try A Hijab: Birmingham City Centre

Try A Hijab: Birmingham City Centre

Categories: Past Event Articles

Wednesday February 05 2020

12th November, 2019

Try a Hijab stall

This Islamophobia Awareness Month, MEND reached out to the general public by holding a ‘Try a Hijab Stall’ in Birmingham City Centre.  The purpose of event was for non Muslims to gain knowledge and understand the ‘hijab’ experience. The stall raised awareness for hijab wearing sisters,  volunteers broke down stereotypes and tackled Islamophobia by answering all questions people had about the hijab.

From young school children to retired couples, all who wanted to learn more about Islam, visited the stall. Sister Hina organised the event and was great with everyone, she explained to them why we wore the Hijab and what it signified. She had a beautiful collection of colours and patterned scarves ready for trying on. She demonstrated different types of styles the hijab can be worn, a big attraction for the young women visiting the stall. There was even an Insta-frame for people to use, so they could capture the moment.

A young girl, who was very excited to try the Hijab on, visited the stall to be in the shoes of her friends; a lot of her friends wear hijab and she always wanted to know what it was like.

Alex Blakemore, a reporter from BBC WM attended the event and spoke to Hina more about the Hijab as well as speaking to interested members of the public on their thoughts. He was interested in learning more about Mend and our actions on tackling Islamophobia. By the end, we managed to convince Alex to try a hijab, the Middle-Eastern man style!

It was a great day that really allowed us to speak to so many people who were all keen to learn more, showing the thirst for knowledge is out there and it might not quite be how the media presents it. It was an event that brought people together, regardless of outward differences, the inward kindness beamed through.


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