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Sheffield Working Group Launches Young Muslim Women’s Leadership Programme

Sheffield Working Group Launches Young Muslim Women’s Leadership Programme

Categories: Past Event Articles

Monday August 10 2020

In Yorkshire our Sheffield Working Group has been busy with the organisation and launch of our Young Muslim Women’s Leadership Programme which aims at providing a safe space for young Muslim girls to discuss important issues related to Muslim identity while developing spirituality, critical awareness and capacity building.

The team were happily overwhelmed with the fantastic responses they received from the community and have now begun working with the participants. In line with MEND’s objectives to address the representation of Muslim’s in the media, the first section of the Programme aims to discuss ‘Film as Text’ and explore how Muslim’s have been represented in film. Already, we have begun to unpack orientalist stereotypes and the unfavourable depiction of Muslims and Islamic identities in certain aspects of the film industry’s output.

We look forward to continue working with the participants and nurturing their development over the course of the programme.


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