Professional’s Fundraising Dinner in Leeds Mumtaz
Categories: Past Event Articles
Tuesday April 25 2023
On Friday 17th March MEND North held a professional’s fundraising dinner at Leeds Mumtaz restaurant.
The event which was attended by professionals, local business individuals and local councillors, started with an informative presentation on MEND and the work of MEND by one of our key volunteers. The evening then moved on to its highlight, a presentation by the MENDs founder on why tackling Islamophobia is a priority to not just him, but should be to all in attendance to ensure a better future for all Muslims in the UK. He also went on to highlight the achievements of MEND over the years.
Following the presentation a delicious 3-course meal was served, followed by an opportunity for networking.
We would like to thank all those who attended and gave so generously to MEND.
As MEND is a 100% community-funded organisation we could not do the work we do without each and every one of you.