NEU Black Educators’ Conference Workshop: Challenging the (Ir)resistible rise of Islamophobia

Categories: Past Event Articles
Wednesday March 18 2020
On 19th November, as part of Islamophobia Awareness Month, MEND delivered a workshop in Manchester Mercure at the National Education Union’s Black Educator’s Conference.
MEND spoke about the importance role educators and education play in tackling Islamophobia. The need for teachers to tackle this issue head on was discussed, alongside the barriers they may come up against it in order to do so effectively. MEND staff highlighted how anti-Islamophobia can be embedded in lesson plans and how this is in line with the National Curriculum.
The workshop also facilitated discussions to help educators understand and develop their own practice to effectively manage Islamophobic attitudes and behaviours in their own learning environments.
Many thanks to the NEU for hosting us and we look forward to teachers taking back what they learnt to put into practice in their own classrooms.