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Mosque Collection at Iqra Academy, Edinburgh

Mosque Collection at Iqra Academy, Edinburgh

Categories: Past Event Articles

Tuesday April 25 2023

On Friday 14th April, MEND organised a fundraiser follow Taraweeh prayers at Iqra Academy Mosque, Edinburgh. This fundraising event was a part of the MEND Ramadan Fundraiser which included individual supporters creating LaunchGood fundraising pages as well as conducting collections at mosques across the country.

Due to the community-funded nature of the organisation, such fundraising activities are crucial for the continuation of the work of MEND – allowing for the organisation to stand up for the rights of Muslims across Britain. During the blessed month of Ramadan, many of us may reflect on how we can improve our habits as Muslims and make the most of our short time in this world to seek what is best in the hereafter.  By donating to MEND and protecting Muslim rights, we can all be a part of positive change inshaAllah khair.

MEND would like to thank the congregation members at Iqra Mosque who gave generously on this night and the mosque staff for helping us to arrange the collection.


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