MEND Volunteer – A Muslim Pharmacist supplies PPE to Covid Initiatives in the local community.

Categories: Past Event Articles
Tuesday April 21 2020
MEND Volunteer Mohammed Owais Kolia has provided PPE equipment from Knights Pharmacy and Lexon Pharma to support local communities and charities in order to reach out to the most vulnerable. Both Lexon along with Knights are contributing PPE parcels to various communities across various cities nationally. Owais, being on the frontline, has been giving advice and support to patients and his team across the country and aiding community services to still function by supplying protective equipment.
Sadly, Mohammed recently adopted mild symptoms of Covid 19 as has had to self-isolate to recover and protect those around him. He however wanted to share his belief that ‘if everyone does one thing to help, we would get through this pandemic, as we are all in this together’.
We wish for Mohammed to have a swift recovery.