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MEND Report Yorkshire: Cllr Rob Walker

MEND Report Yorkshire: Cllr Rob Walker

Categories: Past Event Articles

Thursday March 25 2021

On Sunday 21st March, MEND Yorkshire invited Cllr Rob Walker, an independent councillor for Colne Valley on Kirklees Council, to an instalment of their show ‘MEND Report Yorkshire’.

MEND Yorkshire Regional Manager interviewed Rob on aspects pertaining to racism, Islamophobia and the upcoming inaugural West Yorkshire Mayoral election. Rob spoke about the importance of working together as one community to raise awareness and tackle Islamophobia and all other forms of racism and discrimination. He also emphasised connecting the diverse communities together to eradicate the misconceptions which may exist within the different communities.

Rob stated that he recognises that the media portrayal of the muslim community has been very negative over the years. He felt that some stories regarding the muslim community are written in such a way, that it is likely to provoke a reaction from the community and this can lead to Islamophobia. He feels the community needs to challenge media and have conversations with the editors of these media outlets to put their concerns forward and hopefully change the negative narrative.

Finally, Rob gave his thoughts on the new West Yorkshire Mayor, who will be elected on May 6th. He stated that it will be a great challenge for the post holder. He mentioned that one of the key things the mayor should do initially is to look at why the BAME community has been affected disproportionately by covid-19. He further added that the mayor should work with local organisations, educational establishments and businesses to ensure that there is equality and fair opportunities for all.

MEND Yorkshire would like to thank Rob for joining us and sharing his views on these extremely important issues.

You can watch the full interview on the following link: https://fb.watch/4skP2Xsjii/


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