MEND Leicester – COVID-19 Leicestershire Muslim Funeral Support

Categories: Past Event Articles
Tuesday April 14 2020
COVID-19 Leicestershire Muslim Funeral Support
The passing of the human soul from this world to the next is a hugely significant moment for Muslims and the rituals afforded to the deceased, is not just ceremonial, but indeed a rite of the dead and an obligatory duty of the living.
As COVID-19 ravaged across the world it became apparent that this disease was not content at only taking the soul of its victim but also destroying its dignity. Loved ones that had nurtured, cherished and belonged to each other, in every sense of the word, were being forced to abandon their loved ones, in their final moments. Hereby denying them the solace of laying their loved ones to rest and sending them on their journey to their eternal abode.
As this virulent beast approached our shores and began claiming its victims, initially on a one by one case, a group of concerned individuals held an emergency meeting. The group consisted of experienced undertakers, Doctors, scholars and community activists. The objective of the meeting was to create a group that would facilitate the entire funeral process for members of the Muslim community who had fallen victim to the virus.
• Educating the community on COVID-19 specifically in terms of what it would mean in terms of a funeral process.
• Recruiting and training volunteers.
• Creating an infrastructure so that the entire journey from death to burial is taken care of in a respectful, dignified, religiously fulfilled and in a SAFE manner.
• Procuring PPE and providing training on how to use it.
• Procuring a dedicated site for COVID-19 washing rituals.
• Working across the whole city and respecting all religious view points with no Sectarian divide.
COVID-19 Leicestershire Muslim Funeral Support was born that evening and Alhumdulillah has been operating to deliver on its objectives.
• An infrastructure was discussed and agreed upon with delegated roles for team members.
• An information video was sent out explaining the purpose of the organisation along with social media messages on the new protocol that had been established, using Government guidelines and in accordance to religious jurists.
• Zoom training was set up which was attended by over 150 volunteers.
• Zoom training was set up for Alims and Alimahs.
• Donors to assist were found.
• A site for ghusl was found (donated) and necessary work was done to make it functional.
• Information videos in several languages were made and promoted via social media.
• Our information was distributed via mosque websites and local radio stations.
• Liaison with the local authorities was established.
• 12 days after formation we have conducted 21 funerals.
May the almighty show mercy upon his servants, Grant patience to the families involved and accept the efforts of his humble servants.