MEND Derby Induction

Categories: Past Event Articles
Monday October 26 2020
On Saturday 3rd October MEND held new volunteer inductions for the MEND Derby Working Group.
The Derby WG is one of MEND’s new groups that has started to form this year to empower and encourage British Muslims within their local community to be actively involved in British media and politics on a grass root level. MEND Derby opened its doors to call for new recruits to aid the work they wish to implement in the upcoming months.
The induction was delivered by our MEND Birmingham team. The session covered what MEND’s aims and objectives are, the work that MEND volunteers do at a grassroots level, especially in the Midlands. They were introduced to the ‘Community Wheel’ to have a better understanding on the core infrastructure of MEND and how we work with our partners across the board in both local and national level, highlighting the need and importance of Islamophobia Awareness training and development in order to progress and have significant impact within their localities.
MEND also:
- Introduced the new volunteers to the array of work MEND do working with delivery partners which involves both the Muslim and the Wider community.
- The team explored in detail MEND’s work with stakeholders where the organisation aims to build relationships and rapport to raise awareness of Islamophobia.
- Discussed the group’s flagship campaigns ‘GOAV- Get Out and Vote’ and ‘IAM – Islamophobia Awareness Month’ in November.
To volunteer for a local MEND Working Group please visit