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Media Masterclass: Volunteer Education

Media Masterclass: Volunteer Education

Categories: Past Event Articles

Tuesday July 07 2020

From Friday 3rd to Sunday 5th July, MEND presented its three Media Masterclass sessions to our volunteers. These sessions were the last of the series of our current masterclass cycle we have been webcasting to our volunteers as part their ongoing education and training.

On Friday, the first of the Media sessions, entitled ‘The Media: It’s influence and reporting’, covered the different types of media and where different outlets, organisations and individuals sit on the political spectrum. The session also looked at how Muslims are portrayed in the media, and the importance of Muslims engaging positively with journalists and the media to change narratives and influence reporting.

The second session on Saturday was called ‘Regulating and challenging the print media’ and aimed to highlight how the community can hold the print media to account. The workshop allowed attendees to learn more about how to challenge newspapers’ outputs, to understand the role of the regulatory body of the print media (IPSO), and to examine a number of case studies and their outcomes.

The final session on Sunday was named ‘Regulating and challenging the broadcast media’. This part of the masterclass spoke to the attendees about how to challenge the output of broadcast media. We also discussed the regulatory body (OFCOM) and its effectiveness, followed by looking at a number of case studies to illustrate regulation processes. Attendees also learnt more about social media and to what extent it is regulated.

To become a volunteer for MEND so you can attend our training and education opportunities click here: https://www.mend.org.uk/get-involved/volunteer/


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