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Many Faces, One Community

Many Faces, One Community

Categories: Past Event Articles

Wednesday July 15 2020

An active member of the East London Working Group was invited to be part of a brand new initiative started by local activists in Leyton called ‘Many Faces, One Community’. They started this initiative on the back of the Black Lives Matters protests in order to build upon the momentum and direct it into action. The group held their first meeting on Thursday 2nd July where one of the London Regional Manager’s of MEND was able to say a few words on why it is important for communities to come together when tackling oppression instead of each group tackling the oppression they face on their own. 

The key message delivered was, we must acknowledge the same structural racism that oppresses black people also oppresses Muslims and it is only by standing together and having a unified stance that such policies and attitudes can be successfully tackled. For this reason the Muslim community cannot ignore the oppression towards the black community, this is our struggle too!

The audience was a mixture of people form different backgrounds and of different ages but all coming together to learn how they can be effective in tackling hate and discrimination together. Hence the name ‘Many Faces, One Community’. Other speakers included organisers of the Leyton BLM protest and a representative of the Waltham Forest Council of Mosques. 

The meeting ended with a thought provoking Q&A. One of the quite striking questions was how do we get the Muslim community to be more active in coming out to protests and activist meetings like this. One of the key ways of solving this issue is to further educate the Muslim community on why these issues are so integral to our communities well being. This is why MEND exists, to impart that knowledge and give Muslims a purpose to be more active citizens.


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