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Let’s Talk About…Maintaining Mental Health

Let’s Talk About…Maintaining Mental Health

Categories: Past Event Articles

Thursday April 16 2020

On Saturday 11th April, MEND Manchester hosted their second online webinar as part of the Let’s Talk About.. series.

Dr Shazad Amin, Consultant Psychiatrist, presented on how COVID-19 can affect the mental state and what we, as individuals, can do to recognize this in ourselves and in others in order to address them. He spoke about the role of social media and information overload during this period and how it can induce or exacerbate anxiety. He talked about the importance of recognizing triggers and knowing when to seek professional help.

With the current global crisis, it is to be expected that many people will be dealing with difficulties with regards to maintaining their mental health. Dr Shazad addressed the loci of control and the stress performance curve to illustrate and explain how stress and anxiety work before signposting services that can be of help during this period.

Many thanks to Imaan, one of our newest volunteers in the Manchester Working Group, for hosting the session and putting questions from the audience to our Dr Shazad Amin. A very successful webinar and the feedback from the attendees reflected this.

The Let’s Talk About… project is one pioneered by the MEND Manchester Working Group and is part of their action against the impact of Coronavirus. We hope that this endeavour can bring people some comfort during this period and provide them with the knowledge and support that will make this period in history easier for them.

Our next session will be looking at working from home and the tech solutions you’ll need to do it successfully. Register here: https://www.mend.org.uk/event/lets-talk-about-working-from-home/


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