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#IAM2020 Online Boxercise Class for Women

#IAM2020 Online Boxercise Class for Women

Categories: Past Event Articles

Wednesday November 25 2020

The first ever MEND online boxing event was a huge success!

A staggering 54 people registered from as far as Glasgow, Dorset, Birmingham, Manchester and not to forget London.

Participants were taught a range of self defence techniques. Giuletta from Salaam Peace provided a detailed explanation of all the exercises, explaining how to use them safely. The exercises were well demonstrated and easy to execute.

Sophie Medlin, Director of City Dieticians provided a super insightful and highly relevant talk on eating habits during lockdown. She shared some useful, easy to apply ideas to help overcome the challenges encountered.

Huda from the IRU provided a detail account of the services the unit provide and shared some recent cases they had worked on. It came as no surprise to learn that hate crime has increased over lockdown. Huda ended the session with a useful checklist should you be a victim of hate crime.

All the participants left lovely messages and were interested in further sessions.


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