Homeless Aid UK: The importance of grassroots efforts

Categories: Past Event Articles
Tuesday May 05 2020
As the global pandemic continues, local organisations have been rallying to ensure that the most vulnerable in our communities are protected and cared for during this period. Homeless Aid are one such organisation who have been ensuring that those in Bolton have access to the necessities they require. Homeless Aid UK have been working for about 10 years, the last four of which they have been an established charity. They have about 300 volunteers across the North West.
The work that Homeless Aid UK is doing is necessary. COVID-19 has meant that more families and people are at risk of being made homeless. There has been a substantial increase in the number of people needing the help and support that Homeless Aid UK provide. There has also been a significant increase in people who were previously self-employed, who have also required their services as well. Those who have had their employment terminated due to the crisis, are at risk not just now, but beyond the lockdown as well. This is because there is no certainty whether they will find a job following it, nor a timeframe on how long it may take to finally find employment.
Homeless Aid UK are averaging distributing ten hampers per day in Bolton, although this can rise to twenty when the occasion requires it. The hampers contain items that can be consumed with little to no prep, allowing those most vulnerable or at risk to have access to food, without having to added pressure of sourcing equipment or other ingredients associated with distributing raw items. Between 600 and 700 homeless people are provided meals during the week as well.
Local organisations up and down the country have been doing very similar work and it is this grassroots support that MEND wants to highlight. Grassroots orgs are able to effectively identify the specific issues and shortfalls within a community and can use their knowledge of the locality to support those most vulnerable. By being local, recipients of the work of collectives like Homeless Aid UK recognise them as a more trusted presence. This is also an opportunity for different local organisations in one area to build up extra connections to ensure that resources are being distributed efficiently, and to set up relationships and partnerships for the future.
If you think you can help out by donating or supporting in some way, call 07973214603, or contact Homeless Aid UK on Facebook.