Finsbury Park Mosque Responds to Fear

Categories: Past Event Articles
Wednesday February 05 2020
Finsbury Park Mosque has been subject to a number of hate crimes over the past few years. The Mosque Committee and MEND joined together to host a ‘Responding to Hate Crime’ seminar for women by our Islamophobia Response Unit.
According to the IRU’s research women are 24% more likely to be victims of hate crimes, and so this was a great opportunity to gather Muslim women of the local community at Finsbury Park Mosque and explain what one should do whilst facing Islamophobia. There were three police officers who also explained how they dealt with hate crimes and the reporting processes.
There were around 30 to 40 attendees who engaged in the session, they had many questions and shared some of their experiences and concerns. Overall the event was productive and the attendees felt more prepared in responding to hate crime.