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Demontford University (Leicester) Exhibition and Islamophobia Presentation

Demontford University (Leicester) Exhibition and Islamophobia Presentation

Categories: Past Event Articles

Thursday December 14 2017

The Islamic Society at Demontford University joined the IAM2017 campaign by hosting the MEND Islamophobia exhibition at the Union and also holding a presentation on Islamophobia.

The Exhibition was held over three days and was the centre of discussion and debate,  overall it educated those that came on what Islamophobia is and the extent of the problem.

On the last day of the exhibition, MEND delivered a presentation “Islamophobia: Causes and Cures.”  Alongside the MEND presentation, the University’s Muslim Chaplain and the head of security also spoke on Islamophobia and community cohesion.

This has been a great opportunity for Muslims to speak to their colleagues and friends about how Islamophobia has been a problem for them in their lives.


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