Cardiff’s Muslims communities respond to COVID19 crisis

Categories: Past Event Articles
Monday June 01 2020
MEND’s volunteers joined efforts led by Cardiff’s Coronavirus Relief project to distribute 500 food parcels and collect over £5,000 in generous donations through their GoFundMe campaign.
The project was set up through the Rabbaniah Centre involving local volunteers from the Grangetown & Riverside area to help create and distribute the parcels. The food parcels were created with the intention to support low-income families through the COVID crisis during the month of Ramadan.
The parcels have been distributed every Friday since 24th April. They have contained essential items such as oil, squash drink, pasta, biscuits, sugar, dates, fresh fruit, and other basic staple foods. On the request of beneficiaries, baby milk and nappies were also delivered.
The project was coordinated by Moseem Suleman with help of few dedicated volunteers.
He said, “Each week approximately 30 volunteers helped pack and deliver 150 food boxes to needy families.”
When asked how he receives the orders he said: “We created a poster which was shared on social media with other organisations. Then potential recipients call the number and answer a few basic questions to qualify for support for a basic foods parcel.”
Grangetown Cultural Centre Secretary and former Grangetown Councillor Tariq Awan also assisted with this project and had this is to say about the project.
“I helped to raise the project profile through my Twitter and Whatsapp groups. I also contributed by donating through the GoFund Me page and by helping to distribute the food parcels”, he said.
“This is an outstanding initiative where local Muslim community came together in the hour of need to help other human beings without any prejudice and judgement of the beliefs of beneficiaries. I hope and pray that Cardiff Coronavirus Relief team efforts are more appreciated, and donations increase with time”.