Cardiff ISOC Discover Islam Week and MEND Exhibition
Categories: Past Event Articles
Monday March 06 2023
On the 21st February, Cardiff university’s Islamic Society (ISOC) began a week long programme to commemorate Discover Islam Week. They describe Discover Islam week as a week where they nurture the curiosity and interest in Islam, regardless of people’s familiarity with faith. They created a week long programme where they engaged Muslim, non-Muslim students and staff in insightful discussions through dinners, exhibitions and talks.
At the Discover Islam Week dinner where guest speakers included Dr. Abdul-Azim, Cardiff university ISOC also took the opportunity to use the Islamophobia Awareness Exhibition. The Exhibition highlights the history of Muslims in the UK, but more importantly showcases the positive contributions Muslims make in different public arenas from sports to COVID response.
We are grateful to Cardiff ISOC and other ISOCs in the UK taking steps like these to normalise religious expression in the student body and inadvertently challenge the underlying misunderstandings, that can fuel racially and religiously motivated discrimination on or outside campus.
If you would like to hire an Islamophobia Awareness Exhibition and view the digital content, please see: