Active Bystander Training – Al Hashim Academy
Categories: Past Event Articles
Monday October 30 2023
Saturday 14th of October
On Saturday the 14th of October MEND North held the Active Bystander Training at Al Hashim Academy. The training looks to empower participants with tools to support in combating Islamophobia as active bystander.
Often being a bystander makes you feel powerless and uncomfortable witnessing a hate crime or headlines with tropes of islamophobia. This training gives the bystander the tools, which are useful in almost all scenarios that transform them from a passive bystander to an active bystander!
The attendees were pleasantly surprised with the actions a bystander can employ to support victims and alter headlines full of Islamophobic tropes.
Attendees were given 5 scenarios to brainstorm as bystanders, which were followed by solutions and possible actions they can take. Scenarios included different scenarios, such as a passenger hurling abuse at a hijab wearing lady.
The session ended with a Q&A and attendees feeling empowered.
A big thank you to Al Hashim Academy for hosting MEND once again!