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5 Days IAM at Leicester and DeMontfort University:

5 Days IAM at Leicester and  DeMontfort University:

Categories: Past Event Articles

Wednesday February 05 2020

IAM at the universities 2019


An interesting 5 days at Leicester and DeMontfort University. Speaking to students, Lecturers  and even the local community police made for interesting conversations. It highlighted the fears of some students about the triple penalty that BAME muslim women face. Further conversations were about understanding how awareness of Islamophobia is caused and what we can do has made it clear that this stall was needed. 

The presentations had good attendance and developed on our conversations further highlighting why knowledge of facts with references was key to creating awareness. With one DMU student Namira Ibrahim, stating “we need this in our society… it’s very important”. Not many students were not  aware of MEND and the work they have done within Leicester, “I didn’t know this kind of support existed in Leicester and how much work MEND do,” she stated  

Another attendee at the presentation, Ashfa Ashraff, explains how she felt she learnt a lot about islamophobia in Britain. “I didn’t know it was that bad in Leicester but I’m glad there is a network put in place to deal with problems we face”.  Overall, students and the public alike were very engaged and thankful about MEND and the importance of Islamophobia Awareness Month  


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