White supremacist jailed for possessing terrorism-related material

Categories: Latest News
Tuesday February 28 2017
The Evening Standard reports on the jailing of a white supremacist who “idolised Hitler” and posted “racist, Islamophobic, homophobic and anti-Semitic calls to arms on social media”.
Sean Creighton, 45, posted an image of Hitler online with the message “kill the Muslims”.
He possessed an electronic document entitled “White Resistance Manual 2.4” which contained details of shotguns, improvised weapons and explosives, and harassment.
Prosecutor Jonathan Sandiford told Kingston Crown Court, “The defendant was a committed racist, a member of the National Front”.
He told the court the document Creighton possessed was “a complete guide on how to prepare for and conduct a terrorist campaign”.
Creighton, from Enfield, had also posted an image of a gun alongside a Swastika with the words, “Jews prepare to die”.
The court heard that he had posted content on social media to almost 700 followers but believed no harm was done as “he was contacting people who had similar views”.
Creighton pleaded guilty to eight charges in total, including a terror-related charge of collecting information which could be useful to someone committing or preparing an act of terrorism.
He pleaded guilty to six counts of publishing or distributing materials likely to stir up racial hatred and a further count of possessing racially inflammatory materials.
Creighton was jailed for five years.