Urge your MP to ‘seal’ the Royal Charter
Monday March 27 2017
Dear Activist,
As salaamu alaykum.
We are writing to request your urgent help with our campaign, together with Hacked Off, on press reform.
We wrote to you a while back asking you to contact the Culture Secretary, Maria Miller, and your local MP, urging them to reject the rival Royal Charter submitted by newspaper groups the Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph.
We are writing today because we have not yet completed the journey in the progress of the Royal Charter to the Privy Council.
We need your help because the Leveson Charter has still not reached its final stage – ‘sealing’ at a meeting of the Privy Council. And because the big newspaper groups threaten legal action, the government is slowing down progress towards sealing.
Believe it or not, the barrier seems to be the meeting schedule of the Privy Council, which rubber-stamps government decisions. It doesn’t usually meet between July and October, meaning that the next chance for ‘sealing’ the cross party Royal Charter could be months away.
On 9 September Rebekah Brooks, Andy Coulson and others go on trial on charges relating to the kinds of activities that made the Leveson Inquiry necessary. We want to send a message to our politicians that it is unacceptable that this trial might take place before even the first step has been taken on the path to carrying out Leveson’s recommendations on press reform.
Please help us by writing to your MP today.
It will take you a matter of seconds. Click here and follow the instructions to send a letter to your MP – http://act.hackinginquiry.org/lobby/18
Please click the link below to send your own tailored message to your local MP.