Action Alert: Urgent Request to Cancel Screening of ‘The Kerala Story’
Wednesday May 17 2023
It has come to our attention that several cinemas across the UK are set to screen the anti-Muslim and Hindutva propagandist film (complete list of cinemas here), ‘The Kerala Story’. This is alarming, and the screening of such a film would no doubt fuel Islamophobic tensions and divisiveness. As such, we call upon you to take action and lobby to cancel the screening of such an Islamophobic film. This can be done by simply copying our template letter below and emailing each cinema. Alternatively, should an email not be available, paste the shorter letter into their website’s ‘contact us’ section or send it to them via social media.
Contact the cinema directly using the template letter below.
Use this list with cinema details to contact the cinemas directly.
Contact the cinemas online: Vue, Odeon & Cineworld
“Subject: Urgent Request to Cancel Screening of 'The Kerala Story'
Dear [Cinema’s Name],
I recently learned about the scheduled screening of the film 'The Kerala Story' at your cinema, and I humbly request you to reconsider this decision.
'The Kerala Story' revolves around the false and damaging Hindutva narrative of Hindus and, to a lesser extent, Christians being forcibly converted to Islam in the state of Kerala in India. As a discerning member of society, I believe it is essential to critically assess the potential impact of such narratives and the dangerous consequences they may incite.
'The Kerala Story' promotes an overtly Islamophobic perspective by perpetuating stereotypes and fear-mongering tactics. This film's storyline is severely misleading and can potentially fuel anti-Muslim sentiments within our community. Given the rising incidents of discrimination and hate crimes against Muslims, it is crucial for responsible institutions like your cinema to take a principled stance against the dissemination of such harmful content.
As purveyors of culture and art, Cinemas play a significant role in shaping public opinion and influencing societal discourse. By cancelling the screening of 'The Kerala Story,' your cinema would demonstrate its commitment to promoting social cohesion, respect, and understanding among diverse communities. Such a decision would affirm that your establishment prioritises the well-being and safety of all its patrons, irrespective of their religious or cultural backgrounds.
I understand the importance of artistic freedom and freedom of speech; however, these rights must be exercised responsibly. There is a clear distinction between artistic expression and the promotion of hate speech or misinformation. 'The Kerala Story' crosses this line by perpetuating harmful stereotypes, and its screening poses a genuine risk of exacerbating anti-Muslim hostilities in the UK
as is currently the case in India.
Please consider this matter seriously and cancel the scheduled screening of 'The Kerala Story.' By doing so, your cinema will send a strong message against Islamophobia, protect the social fabric of our community, and contribute to nurturing an environment that fosters respect, empathy, and unity.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please give due consideration to the concerns raised in this letter. I am hopeful that your cinema will make the right decision and contribute positively to our shared vision of a diverse, inclusive, and tolerant society.
Yours faithfully,
[Your Name]
To Get in Touch via the 'Contact Us Page or Cinema's Social Media, Copy the Following:
To whom this concerns,
I recently learned about the scheduled screening of the film 'The Kerala Story' at your cinema, and I humbly request you to reconsider this decision.
'The Kerala Story' revolves around the false and damaging Hindutva narrative of Hindus and, to a lesser extent, Christians being forcibly converted to Islam in the state of Kerala in India. As a discerning member of society, I believe it is essential to critically assess the potential impact of such narratives and the dangerous consequences they may incite.
'The Kerala Story' promotes an overtly Islamophobic perspective by perpetuating stereotypes and fear-mongering tactics. This film's storyline is severely misleading and can potentially fuel anti-Muslim sentiments within our community. Given the rising incidents of discrimination and hate crimes against Muslims, it is crucial for responsible institutions like your cinema to take a principled stance against the dissemination of such harmful content.
Please consider this matter seriously and cancel the scheduled screening of 'The Kerala Story.' By doing so, your cinema will send a strong message against Islamophobia, protect the social fabric of our community, and contribute to nurturing an environment that fosters respect, empathy, and unity.
Thank you,
[Your Name]”