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Welsh Islamic Centre damaged in burglary

Welsh Islamic Centre damaged in burglary

Categories: Latest News

Wednesday September 17 2014

Welsh news website, Wales Online, reports on a burglary at the Rabbaniah Cultural Centre in Cardiff which has resulted in thousands of pounds worth of theft, loss and damage including smashed computers and broken CCTV cameras.

The burglary, suspected to have happened between Sunday evening and Monday lunchtime, is not being treated as a hate crime by South Wales police. The centre’s spokesperson, Khalid Farid, told Wales Online, “It could be a racist attack or it could just be a burglary.”

There has been considerable damage done to the centre, with panels of the roof being torn down and doors kicked in. The loss of funds from charity boxes and money boxes containing staff salaries amounts to around £4,000.

The suspension of the centre’s activities, including Arabic classes for children, is just one of the consequences the local community is faced with after the burglary.

Farid told Wales Online:

“It’s terrible, people can’t believe it.

“The damage is massive. At the end of the day we can’t run this organisation until the roof is sorted, because we’re a charitable organisation we don’t have the money or ability to fix the roof yet. We’re going to have to wait for the insurance.

“It’s terrible, people can’t believe it. Because we’re a charity-based organisation, we don’t make anything, anything this organisation does is because of the money people give us.

“It’s a waiting game until people are going to be able to come back in. They caused a lot of damage.”


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