“Vile” Islamophobic leaflets found in Aston, Birmingham

Categories: Latest News
Thursday June 30 2016
The Birmingham Mail reports on “vile” Islamophobic leaflets which have been delivered to properties in Aston in Birmingham this week.
The MP for Ladywood, Shabana Mahmood, described the leaflets as “vile and a disgusting piece of literature designed to frighten the people in my constituency and cause fear and create division in our society.”
She said, “I have been liaising with residents and have reported the matter to police.”
West Midlands Police are treating the incident as a “racially aggravated offence” and are studying CCTV footage at locations where the leaflets were delivered to identify the culprits.
The leaflet is titled “Camel in the tent” and is drawn in a comic book style. It presents various illustrations with one showing fringe activists holding placards reading “behead those who insult Islam” and states: “Here’s how they invade today. First they’re peaceful, until they gain power – then look out!”
At the bottom of the page, it says, “England is losing control and is closer to accepting Sharia* law (*Government according to the strict rules of the Qur’an).”
On another page, the pamphlet says “This is their pattern for conquest: Infiltrate (move in); Populate (grow large families and recruit others); Legislate (Make laws against converting Muslims); Decimate (take over the country little by little, one city at a time); Eliminate (Destroy those who do not submit to Sharia law).”
The leaflet shows a hooded man holding a rifle and a speech bubble with the words “America’s next!”
The leaflet also rehearses tropes about Islam’s “violent conquest” and contains verses from the Qur’an to validate the “conquest by sword” stereotype.
Insp Will O’Connor, neighbourhood policing inspector, confirmed the incendiary material had been seized. He said: “We have received complaints about leaflets delivered to several addresses in the north Aston area.
“We believe dozens of homes received these leaflets on Monday.
“The act has been recorded as a racially aggravated offence, namely distributing material intended to incite racial hatred.”
The incident follows the petrol bomb attackon a halal butcher’s shop in Walsall earlier this week.