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Vandals target Shia mosque in Bradford

Vandals target Shia mosque in Bradford

Categories: Latest News

Tuesday June 23 2015

Bradford’s Telegraph and Argus report on an anti-Muslim incident involving graffiti daubed on to the walls of a Shia mosque in the city.

The words “Shia Kafir” were sprayed on to the Hussainia Islamic Mission in Little Horton on Sunday afternoon. The graffiti has since been removed and the incident reported to the police.

A spokesperson for West Yorkshire Police said, “This is being treated as religiously aggravated criminal damage and anyone who witnessed any suspicious activity in the area at around the above time is asked to contact PC 4176 Metcalfe on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.”

A spokesman for Bradford Council for Mosques said: “The insulting graffiti is a despicable cowardly act on the part of a sick mind, intended to cause religious hurt to a peace loving community of Bradford.

“We however do not rule out the possibility of this being a deliberate act to cause friction and incite religious hatred amongst the ranks of the Muslim community.

“We fully stand by the Shia community and applaud the responsible manner in which their leadership has responded to this unwarranted provocation.”


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