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Ukip parliamentary candidate in court over suspected abuse of Muslim supermarket employee

Ukip parliamentary candidate in court over suspected abuse of Muslim supermarket employee

Categories: Latest News

Tuesday May 03 2016

The MailOnline reports on the trial at Snaresbrook Crown Court of former Ukip candidate for the Richmond parliamentary seat, Sam Naz, 33, who has been charged with causing racially aggravated intentional harassment, alarm or distress after she allegedly subjected Tesco employee, Mohammed Wafta, 48, to a barrage of verbal abuse.

The court heard that Ms Naz was accused of directing a flurry of expletive-ridden insults at Mr Wafta after he attempted to intervene in an altercation between Ms Naz and a customer in a Tesco supermarket car park on March 22, 2015.

Ms Naz allegedly called Mr Wafta a “f***ing foreigner”, a “f***ing b***ard” and told him to “go back to where you came from.”

Mr Wafta told Snaresbrook Crown Court that he attended to an argument that he witnessed between Ms Naz and a customer in the car park when the customer got into his car and drove off leaving Ms Naz to turn her ire on the employee.

Mt Wafta told the court Ms Naz challenged him saying “What kind of f***ing security are you?” and “What kind of f***ing man are you? You aren’t even f***ing born here, you don’t belong here.”

Mr Wafta told the court Ms Naz took the matter further by approaching the store manager, Christopher Sanders, and demanding Mr Wafta be sacked.

Mr Wafta told the court, “I felt very upset, in all my life I’ve not been cussed at like that.”

Ms Naz, who was arrested on 29 March after the incident was reported to the police, told officers that “Mr Wafta had stood by and said: ‘You deserve it’ while she was being assaulted by the unknown male.”

She denies one charge of causing racially aggravated intentional harassment, alarm or distress.

The trial continues.


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