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UKIP Leicester branch secretary facing internal investigation over offensive FB posts

UKIP Leicester branch secretary facing internal investigation over offensive FB posts

Categories: Latest News

Monday March 02 2015

The Leicester Mercury, Daily Mail and the Independent last week covered yet another allegation of misconduct levelled at a UKIP party official after Facebook posts on the page of Richard Crouch, branch secretary of the Bosworth and South Leicestershire branch were uncovered.

Posts found on the Facebook page contain a number of racist and offensive references though Crouch has denied adding the posts which are said to have been uploaded at various points in 2013.

The posts include an allegation that “Members of the Taliban are staging ‘whipcash’ accidents in Leicester before the law is changed.”

Another post refers to Leicester as “Britain’s biggest sh*thole” which is “full of pak*s”.

A further post refers to waves of immigration as “invasions” stating:

“We have coped with a[sic] African invasion, a[sic ] Indian invasion, a Chinese invasion, a polish invasion, the Romanian invasion is one invasion to[sic] far the other groups have the plus points, the Romanians are pick pocketing criminals, fuck the European Union time to get our borders and say no, get fuc**d you left wing bast*rds your[sic] not fuck**g us again”

Crouch has denied knowledge of the posts saying his account may have been hacked and the matter has been reported to the police, though the Leicester Mercury notes a spokesperson from Leicestershire police force has denied a referral had been initiated.

Crouch responded to the allegations saying, “I have either been hacked or I have been very lax with my Facebook profile and left it open and someone else has posted these things.”

A UKIP official told the Daily Mail that the party is investigating the claims.


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