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UKIP investigate Newport candidate for alleged EDL supporting post

UKIP investigate Newport candidate for alleged EDL supporting post

Categories: Latest News

Wednesday January 28 2015

BBC News reports on yet another embarrassment for UKIP after an election candidate, Donald Grewar for Newport East, was alleged to have posted comments supporting the English Defence League on his Facebook page.

Grewar is alleged to have responded to an EDL post stating “no surrender to militant Islam or political correctness” with the comment: “Thus sais it all [sic]… the mood of the nation… well done EDL”

The news first surfaced earlier this week in the local paper, South Wales Argus, with a report on the turmoil engulfing the Newport branch of UKIP as party chairman, Mike Chaffin, set about “rid[ding] this branch of EDL sympathisers”.

Chaffin, in an address to local party members drew attention to Grewar’s post asking them “Do you consider someone who both praises the English Defence League and posts on the British National Party’s own website to be a suitable candidate?”

According to UKIP’s constitution, members are prohibited from association with far right organisations including the EDL, Britain First and the BNP, among others. Though this has not stopped members from either posting comments supportive of these far right racist organisations or refraining from making racist and prejudicial remarks.

In the run up to last year’s local elections, party leader Nigel Farage admitted that the party did not have the resources to vet all its selected candidates. It would seem the party’s infrastructure before the next general election is faring no better in keeping undesirables out.


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