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The Chilcot Inquiry report and the question of radicalisation

The Chilcot Inquiry report and the question of radicalisation

Categories: Latest News

Friday April 22 2016

The Guardian publishes an opinion piece by columnist Richard Norton-Taylor in which he revisits the subject of the effects of the Iraq invasion on the radicalisation of young British Muslims and what, if anything, the long-awaited Chilcot inquiry report will make of it.

The Inquiry report, which is due to be published shortly after years of delays caused by legal and political wrangling, heard evidence from Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller, the former head of MI5, who told the Inquiry the UK’s involvement in the 2003 US-led invasion “undoubtedly increased the threat” of terrorist attacks in Britain.

Norton-Taylor also discloses the remarks shared by a former senior British military commander who told him “he believed the 2003 invasion was the “original sin” that has provoked years of violence, Sunni-Shia sectarian war, and the emergence of Islamic State.”

Norton-Taylor argues, the Chilcot report “must be digested and its findings debated. And those held responsible for the most disastrous British foreign and military adventure of recent times – one that has caused more long-lasting damage than Suez – must be made to answer the case against them.”

And perhaps, finally, the Government will be forced to confront the contribution its own policies have made to the problems of radicalisation and the foreign fighter phenomenon.


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