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Teenager ordered to pay £1000 compensation after smashing synagogue windows

Teenager ordered to pay £1000 compensation after smashing synagogue windows

Categories: Latest News

Thursday October 15 2009

  The Jewish Chronicle last week printed news of a Scottish teenager who has been ordered to pay compensation to the United Hebrew Congregation in Edinburgh after smashing the synagogue windows with a baseball bat in an attack motivated by religious hatred.

Junaid Javed caused damage to the Edinburgh synagogue (pictured) in March admitting that the attack was induced by anti-semitism.

The attack on the synagogue prompted Ken Imrie, Chairman of the Scottish Islamic Foundation, to write to Rabbi David Rose, declaring Muslim solidarity with the Jewish community and offering the support of Muslim guards to protect against further vandalism.

Mr Imrie wrote, “We wish you to know that the Muslim community stand full square with you in revulsion and horror at this vandalism. To violently damage any building is wrong. That this is a respected place of worship, faith and spirituality makes the crime even more heinous.”

“We trust you have adequate security arrangements in place, in line with places of worship across the country. If not, such is our strength of feeling on this matter, we would wish to physically guard the synagogue ourselves.


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