Soldier given suspended sentence for racist Facebook post

Categories: Latest News
Wednesday March 12 2014
The Mirror and BBC News report on the sentencing of a soldier who posted racist remarks on Facebook following the disappearance of Scottish toddler, Mikaeel Kular.
Grenadier Guardsman Warren Butler, 19, posted the comment “F****** LOL to that P*** One down many more to go,” after Kular was found dead.
Butler’s comment was reported to Police Scotland by individuals who saw them circulating on the social media site.
Basingstoke Magistrates Court yesterday heard that Butler had been brought up in a “racist” family environment and had been on several English Defence League (EDL) marches. He supported the movement ‘liking’ the Facebook pages of the EDL and BNP.
District Judge Philip Gillibrand said the Guardsman he had brought ‘shame’ on his profession. He said:
“To post this Facebook entry with you standing there in your full ceremonial uniform was a great disgrace and brought the Army into tremendous disrepute.”
“Everybody has said what a despicable thing this was to do and I agree wholeheartedly.
“Those comments were in respect of a young child who had so tragically lost his life – people were appalled at seeing this prejudice, completely unjustified, cruel and disrespectful.”
Butler was given a16-week sentence, suspended for 18 months and ordered to complete 250 hours community service. He was also ordered to pay £85 costs and an £80 victim surcharge.