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Sajjad Karim MEP reports malicious communications to police

Sajjad Karim MEP reports malicious communications to police

Categories: Latest News

Thursday June 23 2016

The MetroDaily Express and Daily Mail all report on the alleged online abuse directed at Muslim Conservative MEP, Sajjad Karim, by a Brexit supporter.

The abuse followed Dr Karim’s tweet about a news report in which a young person challenged UKIP leader, Nigel Farage on the EU referendum. Dr Karim tweeted the message “He has bn brave to face them by himself – thank goodness cameras present otherwise I’m sure he wld hv bn dealt with…”.

The tweet attracted the ire of a Brexit supporter who responded with messages calling Dr Karim a “Mussie p**ck” and a “f*****g immigrant”.

One of the messages posted in response to Dr Karim’s tweet said: “Don’t talk out of your a***, the only reason you want in is because you’ll lose money… and threatening Mr Nigel Farage will get YOU enemies you p****… We know where to come if anything happens to him… I’ll be the first to knock on your door you mussie p****.”

Another post stated: “Someone should deal with you ya f****** immigrant.”

Dr Karim reported the online abuse to the police and a 55-year-old man has since been arrested on suspicion of sending a malicious communication.

Dr Karim said “I worried for my safety immediately. We have had a situation in the past where we had quite a number, 30 or so, far-right extremists turn up outside my home address carrying placards.”

The incident, in which members of the English Defence League marched into the garden of Dr Karim’s family home leaving his then eight year old daughter “petrified”, happened during an EDL rally against “radical Islam” in 2011. In April 2012, 12 men stood trial for offences include using threatening behaviour; racially aggravated provocation of violence, and possession of an offensive weapon.

Bernard Holmes, 28, an EDL ‘commander’ pleaded guilty to racially aggravated public order offences and was jailed for 18 months and given a five year CRASBO for his role in the incident.


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