Race hate crime up in South wales as Muslim report increase in abuse
Categories: Latest News
Wednesday August 27 2014
ITV News features a short clip on the impact of world events on hate crime in Wales.
Reporter Owain Phillips talks to Sheikh Zane Abdo who tells him about the casual abuse directed at Muslims by drivers and passersby who hurl racial abuse at Muslims. Sheikh Abdo notes that many engaging in such behaviour are usually drunk and that Muslim victims often ‘ignore’ the abuse rather than report it.
South Wales has seen a 20% in hate crime compared to figures for the last year with the majority of hate crime being of a racially biased nature.
Last month a young Muslim woman spoke of her ordeal at being targeted by a man who approached her in Bristol city centre ranting about events in the Middle East before spitting on her.
In the aftermath of Drummer Lee Rigby’s murder last year, race hare crime in South Wales more than doubled compared to the same period the previous year.
The Welsh Government undertook a hate crime consultation in 2013 before publishing Tackling Hate Crimes and Incidents: A Framework for Action earlier this year.