Operation Trojan Horse – the 'plot' thickens

Categories: Latest News
Friday March 14 2014
The Times and The Guardian this week have published further information on the alleged ‘plot’ to ‘takeover’ certain schools in Birmingham disclosing that scrutiny of the letter at the heart of the allegations reveal it could be a forgery and the ‘plot’ a hoax.
The Times notes, “The document appears to show that the conspirators were working to remove a primary school headmistress who was actually dismissed 20 years ago.”
A further error in the letter relates to “two Birmingham schools where the plotters claim credit for removing head teachers late last year. However, the author appears to have muddled up their departure dates.”
The obvious blunders in the letter casts doubt over its authenticity with Russell Hobby, general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers, telling the paper: “Clearly some very serious allegations have been made. They required investigation but the idea that there was an organised plot . . . seemed far-fetched.”
Moreover, The Guardian today suggests that the ‘plot’ could be “connected to an employment tribunal involving one of the schools named in the plot.”
It is interesting that while journalists at The Times have sought to ascertain the truth behind the claims of a so-called ‘plot’, their colleagues at The Sunday Times published the original claims without a second thought.
A second article in The Guardian today relates the personal testimonies of former headteachers of schools in Birmingham who say that while the jury is out on the veracity of the letter currently under investigation, they have experienced some of the tactics outlined therein in their own experience of managing schools in Birmingham.