Neo-Nazi ‘training camps’ intent on race war
Categories: Latest News
Wednesday November 12 2014
The Star on Sunday draws attention to Neo-Nazi activists organising secret hate camps allegedly in preparation for a race war. The paper notes fears that the camps are being used to prepare for a wave of anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic attacks noting that anti-terror police are monitoring the Sigurd Legion group.
Sigurd was a pseudonym used by the Norwegian anti-Muslim extremist Anders Behring Breivik.
The paper claims that right-wing Britons are being trained in unarmed combat and fighting using knives and assault rifles while being “brainwashed in bizarre rituals by Hitler-loving fanatics”. The paper identifies fitness instructor, Craig Fraser, as leader of the right wing enthusiasts.
The Star on Sunday reports that one of the participants who attended a training camp expressed his sentiments about the group as being “a true desire to put the interest of our race and nation first”.
The paper further notes the Twitter posts of a 21 year old named ‘Wolf’ who wrote “Sigurd separates the men from the boys”.
‘Wolf’ also wrote a series of posts on his Twitter page including “Hitler was right” and “they behead our soldiers, rape our children and blow up buses and trains. Boycott Muslim business.”
The Sunday paper claims that far right group, National Action, has allegedly sent all of its members to the camps, has drawn parallels between itself and Islamic State (IS) in its extremism calling itself the “White Jihad”.
The camps appear to mirror Britain First’s ‘fight club’ initiative which was launched earlier this year to train supporters to ‘fight Muslims on the streets’.