Muslims barricade themselves in mosque as naked man hurls racist abuse

Categories: Latest News
Friday July 21 2017
The Mirror reports that a man was arrested for hate crime outside Folkestone Mosque, Kent, around 9pm on July 7.
Dan Morrison, 26, was filmed getting naked and chanting “I’m Catholic till I die, and Christian as well”, before shouting racist slurs against a group of Muslims.
The worshippers were forced to barricade themselves inside the Mosque, and described the event as a “bad dream”: “Fear started to sink in as he was stripping naked and threatening to use violence. It was real”, said a witness.
The man pleaded guilty to a charge of exposure and two further charges of racially aggravated behaviour and religiously aggravated behaviour. He was sentenced to 26 weeks in prison and ordered to pay a £115 victim surcharge.