‘Muslim Scum’ painted on front walls of NI home

Categories: Latest News
Monday May 09 2016
The Belfast Telegraph reports on a hate crime incident in Dungannon in County Tyrone where vandals daubed the words “Muslim scum” on an uninhabited house in Oak Road.
The graffiti appeared on the front of the house sometime between Tuesday evening(2 May) and Wednesday morning (4 May).
Local politicians have condemned the attack and a spokesperson for a Dungannon-based migrants workers support organisation said the act “is not representative of the majority of community members in Dungannon and we are certain that this incident will be criticised by local authorities and the neighbours of those affected.”
The spokesperson added: “The motivation of such an attack is difficult to comprehend but the resulting inconvenience, fear and anxiety felt by the victims is even more so. We implore that the local community challenge all levels of racism in our community.”
The Police Service Northern Ireland confirmed that the incident had not been reported to the police. Chief Inspector Stephen Humphries told the local paper: “We would encourage all incidents of this nature to be reported to us as soon as possible.
“Police in Dungannon take hate crime seriously and actively investigate all incidents reported to us.
“Our message is very clear: in order to prevent hate crimes occurring, people need to report it to police.”