Muslim prayer room signs vandalised at King’s College, London

Categories: Latest News
Wednesday April 02 2014
The independent student newspaper, Roar, reports on an act of vandalism on Muslim prayer room signs at King’s College, London.
Signs for the prayer room at Guy’s campus had “Muslim” scratched out on one while the other had a “#jewish” sticker over the same word.
According to the student newspaper, Muslim students who spotted the signs on Thursday night are in fear of “threats and violence”.
The university body at King’s College have been called on to views CCTV recordings in order to identify those responsible for the “clear violation of safe space policy”.
The defacement comes after the “Boycott Divestment and Sanctions” motion was passed at last week’s Student General Meeting. The motion supports a global campaign to put non-violent pressure on Israel over its occupation of the Palestine Territories.
Although it remains unclear whether the two events are related, a third year undergraduate Aysha Al-Fekaiki, commented “Students have a right to bring forward motions to council that they feel represent their views, and not bear any consequences of religious hatred or Islamophobia for doing so.
“This [vandalism] asks us to question how we can fight Islamophobia in order to create a safe and non-threatening space for Muslim students on our campuses.”