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Muslim charities raise concerns over 'perception of bias' by Charities Commission

Muslim charities raise concerns over 'perception of bias' by Charities Commission

Categories: Latest News

Friday July 04 2014

Sir Stephen Bubb, head of the charity chief executives body ACEVO, has posted a blog drawing attention to the number of Muslim charities that have been placed under inquiry by the Charities Commission lately saying there is a ‘perception of bias’ and that the regulator is seen to be ‘disproportionately targeting Muslim charities’.

Referring to a meeting held with executives from the Muslim charitable sector, Bubb expresses surprise at the Commission’s launch of a statutory inquiry into Muslim Aid after the charity itself alerted the regulator to non-compliance in two instances. Bubb writes that with Ramadan underway, the regulator’s actions have had “a devastating effect on its potential for fundraising now”.

“Before even the results of the inquiry are known, it is now under a cloud of suspicion,” he adds.

Noting the impact of the perception of bias on the work of the Muslim charity sector and on the Muslim community at large, Bubb writes “As my colleagues pointed out, they have been working hard to develop a sense of civic duty and community cohesion in the Muslim community. It would be perverse if the actions of the Commission were seen to undermine that.”


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