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MEND guidance on The Places of Worship Protective Security Funding Scheme

MEND guidance on The Places of Worship Protective Security Funding Scheme

Categories: Latest News

Tuesday May 24 2022

The Government has announced ‘The Places of Worship Protective Security Funding Scheme’, which means that Mosques and Muslim faith schools / community centres have been given access to £24.5 million for security measures to protect their premises.

This includes requesting security measures such as CCTV, secure fencing, intruder alarms and hiring security guards.

MEND welcomes this scheme and encourages all vulnerable mosques and associated faith community centres to apply here before the deadline of 14th July 2022.

MEND also warns against any strings or conditions being attached to the funding, such as participation in any PREVENT or other counter-terror programmes. If any mosques or faith community centres are approached on such matters, at any point during the process, we encourage them to get in touch with MEND for advice and guidance at [email protected]

To apply:

  1. Complete the form on the following link: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/ru81pu/
  2. Provide detail of hate incidents and explain the impacts on the place of worship, those who attend the place of worship and the community; include supporting evidence
  3. Indicate a need for security guarding services (if required), for example at Jumuaa or Tarawih prayers
  4. Carefully read the further guidance on the application available here.

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