More anti-Muslim outpourings from UKIP candidates

Categories: Latest News
Tuesday May 06 2014
Further embarrassment for UKIP as more candidates espousing hateful views on minorities are discovered.
Jackie Garnett, who is representing the party in local council elections in Oldham posted a series of anti-Muslim comments on her Facebook page under the pen name “Aunty Jack Aguero”, according to the Oldham Chronicle.
The local paper reports that Garnett called for “mosques to be knocked down and Islam to be banned”. She also commented on a link to an article on the Chronicle’s Facebook page on April 11 in which she said: “I’m voting UKIP to do my bit to save Oldham before Labour turn it into a total Muslim ghetto.”
The Times reports on other comments by Garnett on Facebook including posts accusing “the Muslims” of turning “many of the small areas of the town into ghettos” and saying “Ethnic cleansing is going on in this country and its the english (sic) that are being diluted.”
Garnett’s comments are being dealt with by the party with deputy leader, Paul Nuttall, stating, “The matter has been passed on to the party chairman and he will be dealing with it swiftly.
“The comments she made are not party policies in any way, shape or form. They are not comments I would make and I do not agree with them.”
Another UKIP local election candidate for the Offerton ward in Stockport has been suspended after anti-Muslim and homophobic comments he made came to light.
Harry Perry posted tweets saying “Islam is evil”, “God himself hates Islam” and referred to Muslims as “Devil’s kids”.
Party leader, Nigel Farage and deputy leader, Paul Nuttall, have been quick to blame the media for the intense scrutiny the party has faced and the unearthing of so many undesirable and undeserving would be public officials. Farage has accused the media for bringing the party into disrepute but such finger-pointing does little to address the very real fear of the number of racist, xenophobic and bigoted individuals attracted to UKIP.